[Text: Child and Parent Resource Institute- Learn about CPRI]
[Multiple clips show CPRI staff and clients.]
Narrator: The Child and Parent Resource Institute, or C-P-R-I, serves Ontario’s children and youth with complex combinations of special needs. This includes developmental disabilities, autism, and severe behavioural, emotional, and mental health challenges. C-P-R-I, provides trauma- informed, highly specialized assessment, treatment, and targeted intervention services.
Located in London Ontario, CPRI is directly operated by the Government of Ontario, and serves approximately 2,200 children, youth and their families annually.
Typically, these children and youth require more specialized care than can be provided through their community.
Large hospitals refer children and youth with complex special needs to CPRI for highly individualized and specialized care. 30% of clients referred to CPRI have recently received hospital services. CPRI provides tertiary services including outpatient and inpatient programs.
Our inpatient services are made up of 59 beds where clinical teams provide interdisciplinary assessment and short-term treatment; based on the child or youth’s individualized clinical needs and identified goals.
Our Mental Health Programs serve children and youth who may struggle with internalizing symptoms, like anxiety, or externalizing symptoms, like aggressive behaviours. A comprehensive plan is made to reduce clinical severity, and transition to community services, closer to home.
Our Inpatient Dual Diagnosis units serve children and youth with a Developmental Disability and multiple Mental Health Diagnoses. All of our programs provide an ongoing collaborative process with the child or youth, caregivers, and community providers to create a comprehensive plan to manage their continuing needs in the community.
[A clinician takes note while having a conversation with the teenager.]
[Title: Created with passion and teamwork by CPRI staff.]
Narrator: To learn more about CPRI visit our website, Ontario.ca/cpri
[Logo of the Child and Parent Resource Institute.]
[Logo of the Government Ontario.]