Narrator: This video shows how a designate creates a request in SADIE, the Special Authorization Digital InformationExchange, and sends to a prescriber. All persons in this demonstration are fictional.Select the Create Request button. The General tab displays the prescriber's contact details. Ifthere is more than one location that a prescriber works from and you need to select a differentlocation, or you need to edit details, click the Change or update practice location button.The prescriber will receive email notifications at their BPS Secure email addressas well as this address if provided, for requests designates have prepared for reviewand submission to the EAP, and to notify them that a Ministry response is available to viewin SADIE. Click the checkbox to confirm the practice location details are accurate. Next, navigate to the Patient tab.
Narrator: Enter the patient’s Ontario healthcard number or Ontario Drug Benefit, or ODB, eligibility number. You donot need to enter the version code.
Narrator: After entering the number, the system queriesthe Ministry’s health card records and if the patient is found, the page refreshesand displays the patient’s details.
Narrator: If the patient does not yet have an Ontariohealth card number or ODB eligibility number, click the checkbox and record the requiredinformation to continue to complete the request. If appropriate, click the checkboxto confirm the patient’s details are correct.
Narrator: Next, navigate to the Drug tab.It is recommended to start by selecting the drug and then the indication. You can search for a drugby typing the brand name, generic chemical name, or drug identification number. The generic,chemical name of the drug is what appears and must be selected. As you type the list is filteredto show any drug with those letters in its name.
Narrator: Note that for best experience and toaccess smart forms where available you should select a value from the dropdown field by clicking on the drug name. If a drug that is available in the drop down isnot selected or only part of the name is typed in users will not benefit from the features ofa tailored smart form and the questions that are presented may not be specific to the desired drugand indication. This can result in an incomplete submission and the need for the EAP staff torequest additional information causing delays.
Narrator: If the drug or indication is not in thelist type the drug name to complete and submit a request using a standard EAP form.Select the Indication field. Bolded items in the drop-down lists represent drug and indicationcombinations that are most commonly requested which in most cases will provide a criteriaspecific smart form with clinical questions specific to the criteria for this drug andindication. Click on the Indication to select it.
Narrator: The hospital discharge section is available forpatients awaiting discharge. Once a drug and indication are selected reimbursement criteriafor that combination display if available.
Narrator: Next, navigate to the Clinical Details tab.The Clinical Details tab collects the necessary clinical information to determineif the patient meets the funding criteria.
Narrator: The drug and indication we have selecteddisplay, and the system has reviewed the patient’s EAP history for prior approvals, aswell as durations, etc. The system determines and assigns the request type, either Initial or Renewal and presents appropriate questions below.
Narrator: Depending on the patient’s requesthistory, an option to enter an amendment to an existing approval may be available.The questions dynamically appear based upon the input and changes to a responsecan change what questions are asked.
Narrator: Clinical questions that are mandatoryfields are noted as required.
Narrator: If a mandatory clinical question is notanswered, when you send the request to the prescriber a rationale must be provided toexplain why. Providing answers to all mandatory questions will ensure the request is dealt withpromptly. Certain questions require or allow for you to attach supporting documentation.Next, navigate to the Review tab.
Narrator: Review the Request Summary screen carefully toensure all information provided is accurate and all questions have been answered. Any mandatoryquestion that has not been answered will be indicated and highlighted in yellow with themessage value is required. Click on the 'Value is Required' message to be directed to therelated question that was not answered. Once all necessary information is provided designatescan send the request to the prescriber to submit.
Narrator: Click Send to Prescriber.A message indicates the request has successfully been sent to the prescriber. The request nowappears in the Requests Ready to Submit list.
Narrator: After the prescriber or delegatesubmits the request to the EAP, users can track and view the submitted request andMinistry decision by selecting Menu in the header and then clicking on View submitted.Designates assigned to the practice location for the request will receive anemail notification when the request has been submitted to the EAP and all users willreceive an email notification when a Ministry decision is available to view in SADIE.Find links to other learning resources on our training aids page at
Narrator: Have questions? Email us at