Narrator: This video shows how to set up adelegate or designate to use SADIE, the Special Authorization Digital Information Exchange.There are two steps. In the first step, the prescriber must authorize the designeeaccount in BPS Secure. In the second step, a delegate that is set up or the prescribermust create the new user's account in SADIE.
Narrator: All names and accounts in this video demonstration are fictional. As a prescriber, to authorize a designee in BPSSecure begin by selecting the SADIE website on the SADIE Login button.
Narrator: The BPS Secure Login screen displays. Enter yourBPS Secure ID email and password to log in. Don't have a BPS Secure account? Selectthe Register link to register for one. The Welcome to eBSE screen displays.Select Continue. Select the Designee Maintenance link on the Administrationand Ministry Services screen.
Narrator: Click the Add Designees button.Enter the name and BPS Secure email address of the new user and click Save.
Narrator: A message indicates the designee has been saved successfully and instructions have been emailed.Select the Designated Accounts button.
Narrator: The Designated Accounts screen displays.Review the names of those designated. A system generated email is sent to the designeewith the case sensitive shared secret, which they must use within 7 days. They only require a sharedsecret the first time they log into BPS Secure.
Narrator: After a prescriber adds a new designee inBPS Secure the delegate or designate will receive three emails from BPS Secure asthey complete their account registration.
Narrator: Designees must follow the instructions and linksin the three automated emails in order to create their own BPS Secure account and acceptthe designation. Now that the prescriber has authorized the designee's account in BPSSecure they must do the final step of creating the delegate or designate account in SADIE.After logging into SADIE, to add the delegate or designate account, select the Menu button,and then click on the Profile Management link.
Narrator: The User Management screen displays.Select the Add User button. The Add User window opens. Add the user's details includingthe email address they are using or plan to use for their BPS Secure account, then select theuser role. Delegates automatically have access to all practice locations. Select Designate. ClickEdit to make an update to details for a location if required or select the Add new locationbutton to add a new location if necessary.
Narrator: Associate a designate to at least one practicelocation by clicking at least one check box. If the designate works for a patient supportprogram or a drug access navigator remember to select the appropriate practice location to limittheir access. If in agreement, click the check box and the Accept button to add the new account inSADIE. Both steps have been completed and the new user can now log into BPS Secure to access SADIE.Find links to other learning resources on our training aids page at questions? Email us at